Monday, April 23, 2007

Organization is the Key

What did the calendar activity show you about prioritization and leadership?


Anonymous said...

Oraganizing a calender is a perfect wat to stay prioritized. It helps you take care things that need to get done. And if you are a leader you have to be very organized.

Chris Willard

Anonymous said...

Nate Byrnes

The calender showed me that you need to schedule your events so your life will be a lot easier You should step up and be a laeder and make sure all your tasks are done and see if you can help others. You should always try to be organized

Anonymous said...

Hunter Dailey

It basically told us we needed to work it around so it works together and if we dont have prioritization and leadership then one person cant get soemthing done and them the next person cant get something done and so on so we need to be as orginized as possible and need to have prioritization and leadership in order to get the stuff we need to do to get done.

Anonymous said...

It showed me that leaders have to be organized. If they're not then everything gets very confusing. Also if you dont put everything down prior to the event you may forget about it,and forgetting one thing could mess up your whole week.
Sarah Atkins

Anonymous said...

The calendar showed me that busy schedules are hard to cope with, but you have to anyway. You must take control and plan it out. You must make sure that everything fits and works together.

Larissa Shaffer

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Shaffer

You need to organize your schedule so you can remember to have everything successfully completed.

Anonymous said...

This activity taught me that you need to keep your things organized.

-Cody Carr

Anonymous said...

You need to use a calendar to be organized because it helps keeps all of your dates and events in an organized way...Try it sometime

Savannah Hudson

Anonymous said...

The calendar activity showed me that you should always organize your time and know what you have to do. You should always have a calendar so you have time to do everything that you need to get done.
Emily Dean

Anonymous said...

\+/ Sam Godby

The calendar activity showed how important organization is. It helps you know what is important to complete first due to due times.
It also shows how organization is important.